Circumcision Clinic in London, The UK.
Over 40 years of combined experience
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registered
14+ years old and Adults
Below are a few videos which we would like you to watch. They include a consultation explaining what to expect on the day of circumcision, aftercare video for the Forceps guided (traditional) method and how to apply Vaseline when wearing underwear. Please note that every patient is different and whilst this explanation will apply to 99% of patients, if there is anything different, we will advise you accordingly.
Download our aftercare instructions sheet
You will be given this aftercare sheet after the circumcision but you can also download it by clicking on the link below:
Preparation for circumcision

Adult Forceps guided (traditional) method aftercare
How to apply vaseline when wearing underwear
How to stop bleeding
I am a health professional who has, and continues to work with many health professionals from all over the world. I can confidently say Dr Al-Ali and his very efficient assistant are easily some of the best practitioners in the business. I underwent the circumcision yesterday, I have to admit I was anxious before the procedure. Dr Al-Ali and his assistant took time to explain the procedure answer all my questions and allay my anxiety. They told me it was going to be painless. He administered the local anaesthesia, and he asked me I could feel my penis, I couldn’t, all the sensation was gone. He started the procedure and it was totally painless, I even fell asleep at some point. The procedure was successful, I drove home thereafter. Even after the local anaesthesia had worn off, it was totally painless. As I write this comment, I am in day 1 after the operation, I am pain free, I will be going out to do some shopping in a minute. Dr Al-Ali and your very good assistant keep up the good.
Sam - 36 years old
Cannot recommend this place enough. I was certainly concerned about having the procedure done as any guy my age would be. The sheer clinical efficiency and professional standards of Dr Al-ali and his staff put me completely at ease.
Post procedure of course is no walk in the park, there is tenderness that one would expect with this sort of operation. But the dressing and instructions from the team made this time so much easier. I didn't miss a day of work thanks to this, nor did I feel I couldn't be active through the day (although I did miss football for a 4 weeks, but this was to be expected!)
All in all 5 months later there is no scaring and no worries, would 100% recommend this practice.
Giles - 32 years old